Alma, Art & Interiors Guest Curator | Lynn Manilow

Lynn & John Manilow

It may be difficult to precisely define why we are drawn to a particular artwork, other than its capacity to open us up. 

Lynn proudly teamed up with Alma, Art & Interiors (Alma) to serve as guest curator for Threaded Together.  

Threaded Together is part of Alma which is a 9,000 square foot contemporary art exhibition featuring leading Chicago and international artists merged with mid-century furniture and antiques in a century old loft.

It’s sort of the “un-gallery, gallery” approach and something that Chicago has never seen before.  This large-scale exhibition brings the spirit of the home to the gallery and features a range of artistic art making practices and materials including; metal sculptures, ceramics, wood work, painting, fiber art and textiles.  There is literally something for everybody regardless of taste or budget.

Lynn  explains, “We are all  bound together by fragile threads.  Covid certainly crystalized that in a global way.  But, by working together, we can all become stronger and more united.”


Alma, Art & Interiors Guest Curator | Lynn Manilow


LKM doesn’t simply sell art. Our mission is to educate and create a community of artists and art lovers where ideas are shared and supported.